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2009-04-22 17:35:40
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Something Interesting

Welcome! Here are the rules: Everyone writes one fact (something interesting or something stupid) and signs their name at the end of it. Add your fact at the end of the list for interesting or stupid depending on, well, if it's interesting or stupid. Note that you may only pick one fact. Enjoy this wiki and spread the news so we can reach everyone on Elftown and build up thousands of facts, both interesting and stupid.


Something Interesting

America has spent over 8 trillion dollars in the gulf and still spending.

The cleanest part of your body is the eye.
[Things Changed]

Although having 6 fingers on one hand is rare, the gene that causes it is actually the dominant one while the 5 finger gene is recessive.

Nobody knows where Mozart is buried.

In Japan, you have to sign a waiver before you eat fugu sushi. It is so toxic that many people have died from eating it poorly prepared.

Pablo Picasso's full name is Pablito Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. How's that for a mouthful for the substitute teachers in high school?

A capon is a castrated rooster.
[Obsidian Tears]

Casu marzu (A.K.A maggot cheese) is used in many religous retuals and also is thought to have a sense a healing quality about it.
[princess_ of _darkness]

The longest word in the English language is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"(try to pronounce it...), an inflammatory lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica or quartz dust.

Dolphins in the river Indus sleep for only seconds at a time - whereas we sleep for 6-8 hours at a time.
[Duke Devlin]

You don't smell ammonia. Instead, it works directly on your pain sinews. Thus the foul nature of the chemical.
[Blood Raven]

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.

Rats are genetically susceptible to all forms of cancer from the day they're born, and have been for thousands of years. In fact, more rats die from cancer than any other reason.
[The Black Cat in Your Path]

Elvis Presley loved guns and had a very fiery temper. This bad combonation forced him to put a blank round in the gun so that if he blew his top, he wouldn't blow the top off his offender...literally.
[Captain Rachel Black]

The ancient Romans used to brush their teeth with a mixture made out of honey, salt and pieces of crushed glass.

Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance medicine were based on The Four Humours but were priced for the different social stratas according to whether lead silver or gold was added to the same recipe for a disease.
[moira hawthorne]

Femininity: Marsupial females have two vaginas, when hyena females have an extended clitoris called pseudo-penis.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was a fad back then to shave them off.

You can make an octopus trap by dressing a hollow coconut in palm leaves and putting something inside it to rattle. When the octopus hears the rattle it will inspect by holding on with its tentacles; then you quickly haul it up before it lets go.
[Evolution X]

Hedda is a Swedish girl's name that means "fight".

traditionally speaking, its considered bad luck to have a singular sparrow tattoo. sparrows should always go in pairs.

Three out of five people cannot detect the sound of electronics while they are on.
[shadow frost wolf]

Beethoven and his family lived in mechelen (my hometown) for a while.Some say he was even born here. Yay!

Some wasps lay their eggs in the paralyzed bodies of caterpillars.

In order for a male praying mantis to ejaculate, he has to have his head bitten off durring sex. This is why the female eats the male after sex.
[The real life Bella Swan]

The closest galaxy to our Milky Way is Andromeda and even traveling at the speed of light , it would take 2 MILLION years to reach it.
[Case Open]

The crazy ressurection of "put down predjudice unless it is on our side" a past statement by Ashley Brilliant. It is now in full blown use by the Polittically Correct and Candidate Obamma.

Every year, on the day of Edgar Allan Poe's death, a mystirious black hooded figure leaves a red rose on his grave.
[Phantom Puppet_Magician]

Both leopards and jaguars are capable of spawning "Black Panthers" into existence, however the jaguar is the one in which it would happen more commonly. The genetic trait to create the "black" on the panther is Dominant in jaguars, as it is recessive in the leopards. Only when both parents in the leopard pairing carry the recessive gene will there be a "black panther" whereas with the jaguar it is possible for two jaguars to have both spotted and "black" cubs.
[shadow of darkness]

The clinical term for the fear of long words is "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia"

The formal word for hello in Russian can be translated into Chinese to mean, "to beat an old woman with a stick."
[I have left]

Polysistic Ovarian Disease aka Syndrome-X is the female condition that impairs the adrenal gland’s ability to produce estrogen therefore it produces more testosterone to compensate. This heightened level of testosterone causes irregular or lack of menstruation, abnormal hair growth and loss, violent mood swings, an inability to conceive children and make it difficult to loose weight. It was recently discovered that it is caused by drinking from plastic bottles.

Due to a high concentration of vanadium, the blood of sea cucumbers is yellow.

Ants never sleep.
[Nocternity S.]

The ice at fast food joints (such as Wendy's McDonald's and Burker King) has twice the bacteria than your average toilet. I tested this in my lab biology class twice for a project while I was in high school.

Last year the government spent 9 billion dollars on the war against drugs rather than putting the money towards our troops
[Fear the Reaper]

Something Stupid

Turtles can breath through their butts, and use this to there advantage when hiding from predators.

It is impossible to lick your own elbow.
[M.C. criss cross]

The only thing you should safely stick in your ear is your own elbow.
[moira hawthorne]

It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
[SockRockin Spunges.]

You can swallow one pint of blood before vomiting.

It is abnormal to be able to drink a gallon of milk in under 10 min without vomiting.

The ability to smell cyanide is considered a genetic abnormality, and cannot be construed as a positive way to 'break the ice'.

My cat eat up to 50 animals a year but he cant get a mouse!.!.!.!.!.!

Jellygator is love...
[Aidan Aven]

75% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
[The Blood Angel]

The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.
[Scary Kids Scaring Kayla;]

Richard Nixon liked ketchup on his cottage cheese.

It is discovered that coffee is allmost nothing but good for you!
[Todd van elslande]

Women are the only thing on this planet that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.
[Hikaru Hitachiin]

Life is sexually transmitted.

sex is not the only thing on a male's mind.
[The "Problem" Child]

The average American annually consumes 23.1 gallons of beer.

Big Bird is a

Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs!!!

Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
the same can be said about alfred hitchcock(director of the birds)[hopscotchnerd]

Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

Rats can't puke.

The pope isn't a muslim

Birds cannot burp, and if given an antacid, which causes gas build-up, they explode(I only know this because my brothers did it).

edward cullen is hot [DriDri] lol

Snails have four noses


Other interesting wikis:
- Elftown Academy
- Elftown Archives
- The Town Herald
- Bob's Diner

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2008-08-03 [Easterling]: Then tell us here, in the comments.. :)

2008-08-03 [Evolution X]: But what if someone else wants to put them up and I end up putting the same thing here.

2008-08-03 [Jeremiah]: sry if the rule's a bit annoying but i'd say it would overflow with info otherwise

2008-08-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe i added mine. TEH ONE LEGGED SPACE PIDGIONS OUR PLOTTING OUR DEMISE.

2008-08-03 [Mrs Vicious.]: wow.. that one bout the praying mantis one is actualy some thing i didnt know bout.

2008-08-03 [LinkTurrner]: i have the one about beer

2008-08-03 [Evolution X]: OK... one more fact I want to put in here.
The woodpecker's skull is surrounded by special cartilidge that will protect it against the massive g-force it puts itself threw when pecking the wood. Not only this, but the woodpecker's tongue is really long to reach inside and catch insects in the tree. In order to keep the tongue inside its mouth, the woodpecker wraps its own tongue around its brain as protection and storage. To hunt the bugs, the woodpecker's tongue has a tiny ear on the end.

2008-08-04 [Avatar15]: [M.C. criss cross] I have a friend that can lick his elbow. It isn't impossible.

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: Please help me! What would be a better word for binoculars... a more old fashioned one.. Look at this picture and you'll know what I mean: I don't know the word in English for that tool, I mean.. the only word I can think of his "binoculars" but it sounds all too modern. I thought that this might be the right place to ask for help since there are so much knowledge in here.

2008-08-04 [Your Favorite Stranger]: Spyglass?

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: telescope, spyglass, looking glass, far-cite(very old)

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: You're sure?

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: That's the word you'd use in.. let's say a classical pirate story?

2008-08-04 [Your Favorite Stranger]: Yeah, any of the above would work well.

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: Thankyou all very much!

Ahh.. looking glass was the word I thought of first myself, but when looking at the only translation that I got was mirror.

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: cha-yay-ah!!!!!
i was helpful

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: :D

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: ......dude.. loosen up.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: im pregnant!!!!! theresa an interesting

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: .... join the club. hehe im due in four days.

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: @[manwe]: This wiki is for fun and fun only. Please don't come here complaining. The intent of it is to either make the reader laugh or to go: "Oh, wow, I never knew that before, that's pretty cool." So don't spoil it, huh? It's nothing serious.

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah i agree with Atayemi! he needs to take a chill pill.

2008-08-04 [Teufelsweib]: chill pill xD
"but drugs are bad, mmmkaay?"

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol you know what i meen. and yes "DRUGS ARE BAD!" a public service anounsmen form Mrs Lovett.

2008-08-04 [Teufelsweib]: they all deserve to die, even you Mrs Lovett, even I<img:stuff/sing.gif>

sorry, just had to :P
I know what you mean, I just really like the word "chill pill" :P

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: WHY DO I DESERVE TO DIE? i dotn know that song if it is one... *whimpers*

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: "Yeaaaah, you're just like a piiiill instead of making me better, you're just making me iiiill." Pink ftw. <3 *waddles off to go and download it*

2008-08-04 [Teufelsweib]: it's from sweeney todd :O

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol oh yes sorry i remember hehe. i must of sounded so stupid.

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: I haven't seen that film yet. ;_;

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: dude1 see it it rocks!

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: I'm waiting until it comes down in price so I can buy it when it's super cheap. xD

2008-08-04 [Teufelsweib]: I saw it last saturday =D it was greaaaat <3

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: okies. hehe.

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: The Dark Knight ish better! <3 Even though Batman's voice is hilariously low. xD

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: i love sweeney todd it was great... and [Mrs Vicious.] do you know what you are having boy/girl? is this your first?

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm i have no idea and yeah its my first.Ive been havign a cupple of preliminery contractions too. but i think these ones are real... they didnt stop after two.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: i am so scared and i really dnt know what to think about it all.... i keep wondering if i will be a good mommy.. do u ever think that... as i get further along will i feel different about things..?

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah oh trust me, you will feel different as soon as it kicks you the first time. it helps if the fathers behind you more. erm would you preffer to talk on messages.

2008-08-04 [Teufelsweib]: look at the older comments before whining.
THAT is what I call interesting ;D

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: no bodys whining but u..

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah they were heh.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: yeah people whining about people wining isnt that funny.... hmmmm...

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: wow you guys talk alot

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: hey [manwe] i wasnt saying you were whining....

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: I was..

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: shut up both of you, your not five!

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: fine. ill leave it.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: HA HA i love this place!!!! and dnt pick on [Mrs Vicious.] (i will protect you if you protect me).... we are the coolest of cool anyways....

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: no were not.. i know how to speek clingon.. im no where near cool. (tho i would protect you)

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: yeah ur right (bust my bubble) im really not that cool what is clingon? thanx...

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: Klingon :P It's a creature in Star Trek. xD

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: i didnt know clingon was an actual language

2008-08-04 [Evolution X]: *huggles lovett close against me and blushes slightly, nuzzling her neck lightly and trying to hide* Wurf...

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: id love to be a cat

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: hey?????????????????????????

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: whats that all about?

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: [Mrs Vicious.] are u ok....?

2008-08-04 [Evolution X]: She's not on right now >_>

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm not on this wiki darlin.

2008-08-04 [Evolution X]: okays...

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: why wld u love to be a cat?

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: because cats are the most nimble creatures on this planet!!!

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: i wld love to be a big beautifull exotic animal...

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: Also they used to be worshipped... that might help...

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: id be a panther though, because they have long tails and dont exist

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: panthers do exist

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: no they dont, they are just black cheetahs

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: sorry not cheetahs, leoperds

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: Deemed comment void... deleted it.
:P You beat me to it.

2008-08-04 [Sagacious Turkey]: It is possible to lick your own elbow... I've seen it done. It requires a long tongue...

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: What about the Jungle Book? There was a panther in that wasn't there? O_o Bagheera. :)

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: Panthers do exist... otherwise they wouldn't be named. They are just very similar to Leopards.

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: my waters have broken.

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: O.O; I hope you're joking. If not... then why zee hell are you still on here?

2008-08-04 [Mrs Vicious.]: not joke ambulance is on way. cars broken down

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: O___o You're waters have broken.. and you're on Elftown.. okay.

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: That was my thought too.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: seriously her water has broken SHES HAVING BABIES!!!!!!!

2008-08-04 [Chimes]: Yes... we gathered that. That's why she shouldn't be on here.

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: OH AND I TLD YA SO [hopscotchnerd] PANTHERS DO EXIST....*dances around singing told ya so told ya so.....*

2008-08-04 [hopscotchnerd]: panthers do not exist, i read it in the book of useless information, and i dont know how i rememberd it, but i read it, and if i could be a cat, i would be the one that doesnt exsist

2008-08-04 [x-tacy]: well my duty here is done c yall all tomorrow and goodnight.... [Mrs Vicious.] i wish u well my love... i will be praying 4 ya get bk @ me when u can...

2008-08-05 [Tingis]: But...she's 16 :3

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: And she wont be seeing that for a while, I'd guess. If it's true. *shrugs*

2008-08-05 [((lost))]: Apparently, so i hear, panthers dont exist, they are just black versions of leopards. MY boyfriend told me, (and apparently he's always right...) and he heard it from steven fry, who knows all there is to know in this world :)

2008-08-05 [Aliz]: that's actually true. I've read it somewhere!
(Books never lie! -nods-)

2008-08-05 [shadow of darkness]: The "panther" actually refers to all species of larger cats such as lions, cougars, jaguars, leopards, etc. For more information you can check out:

the panther in the Jungle Book is most likely a black leopard, giving the fact that there was a tiger in the Jungle. Both leopards and jaguars are capable of spawning Black Panthers into existence, however the jaguar is the one in which it would happen more commonly. the genetic trait to create the "black" on the panther is Dominant in jaguars, as it is recessive in the leopards. Only when both parents in the leopards carry the recessive gene will there be a "black panther" whereas with the jaguar it is possible for two jaguars to have both spotted and "black" cubs.

2008-08-05 [Todd van elslande]: uhm i did not know that.
learned something new today. YAY!

2008-08-05 [shadow of darkness]: OH! I think I just found my something interesting to post lol

2008-08-05 [Teufelsweib]: awkward that an animal, just because its color, gets a whole different name :O
awesome ^^

2008-08-05 [Evolution X]: What you saying im a panther just cause Im BLACK!
.... yes.

2008-08-05 [All_Most PUNK]: The scientific name of both the jaguar and the leopard is panthera, by the way (onca in the case of the jaguar and pardus in the case of the leopard). The same happens with the lions and the tiger. So calling them panthers is like being as exact as possible :P

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: So therefore Panthers do exist. :P

2008-08-05 [hopscotchnerd]: ok, how did me saying i want to turn into a panther lead to this giant scientific discussion about weather or not they exist??????

its not fair, I'm always the center for trouble and disagreement!!!!!!!

2008-08-05 [Atayemi]: Yo, chill :P

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: It's not trouble... it's actually interesting...

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: blahhhhhhhhhhh no more mess on the panther stuff..... something different plz...

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: Mess? Where's the mess? O.o;

2008-08-05 [blood_fairy21]: O.o whoa how did this happen??

2008-08-05 [LinkTurrner]: hows [Mrs Vicious.] [x-tacy]

2008-08-05 [Evolution X]: She's ok...

2008-08-05 [LinkTurrner]: cool

2008-08-05 [hopscotchnerd]: but, but, but its not fair*pouts*

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: What's not fair?

2008-08-05 [hopscotchnerd]: i dont know, but when i find out, it will be unfair

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: Alright then?

2008-08-05 [hopscotchnerd]: i still wanna be a panther

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: Fair enough.

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: [LinkTurrner] she is doing great had a baby boy weighing @ 7 1/2 pound she named him Theodore (i hope i spelled that right)... boy i cnt wait to find out what im having...

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: [hopscotchnerd] hey you whacha up to still wanting to be a cat i see....

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: You did spell it right... unless she chose to spell it weirdly.

2008-08-05 [hopscotchnerd]: ill always want to be a cat, like i said, cats are the most nimble things in the world

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: And as I said earlier, they were worshipped. ;)

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: spell what?

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: im hungry!! any one have a snickers???

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: 'Theodore'

Unfortunately not.

2008-08-05 [x-tacy]: yeah well i said (i hope im spelling that right) so it may seem if i spelled it wrong it was because i did not know how to spell it...

2008-08-05 [Chimes]: Well, now you do. Seeing as you spelt it right. :D It's a tricky name. XD But awesome...

2008-08-06 [manwe]:
(Triticum spelta) is a hexaploid species of wheat. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and has found a new market as a health food. ...


2008-08-06 [manwe]:
"Hedda" the TRUE meaning:

'Hedda' (Gabler) is both a play and a fictional character created by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. First published in 1890 and premiered the following year in Germany to negative reviews, the play Hedda Gabler has subsequently gained recognition as a classic of realism, nineteenth century theater, and world drama. A 1902 production was a major sensation on Broadway starring Minnie Maddern Fiske and following its initial limited run was revived with the actress the following year.
The character of Hedda is one of the great dramatic roles in theatre, the "female Hamlet,",1169,1439784,00.html and some portrayals have been very controversial. Depending on the interpretation, Hedda may be portrayed as an idealistic heroine fighting society, a victim of circumstance, a prototypical feminist, or a manipulative villain.
Hedda's actual name in the play is Hedda Tesman; Gabler is her maiden name. About the title, Ibsen wrote: "My intention in giving it this name was to indicate that Hedda as a personality is to be regarded rather as her father's daughter than her husband's wife."


2008-08-06 [hopscotchnerd]: Cram a sock in it, you probably playgerized anyway

2008-08-06 [Saffron]: Rabbits can't puke either.

2008-08-06 [Aliz]: Sure? O.o I think mine did once...

2008-08-06 [sequeena_rae]: I was already watching this page, I didn't need an invitation -_-

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm it was me that had the kid not that were wolf person...

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: Yes we know... the werewolf person asked after you. They were concerned it seems.

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: .... were they? ah well it whent fine.

2008-08-06 [Atayemi]: Shouldn't you be looking after your baby? O____o It's a bit strange how you come on Elftown straight away.

2008-08-06 [Evolution X]: that was a day ago

2008-08-06 [Atayemi]: And?

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm Tom hunny can we not talk about this on here...erm any questions ask me please.

2008-08-06 [thisfleshatomb]: there should be something on here about the scientist studying the black plague on mice 3 years ago and they escaped intothe new york damn new york whores

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: Atay... I agree.

2008-08-06 [Atayemi]: *nods*

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: why is every body worried about what [Mrs Vicious.] is doing it is not that hard to watch a new born baby all they do is sleep and eat anyway i dnt see any reason she cant be on here...she cant be that busy with a new born.... so just leave her alone...

2008-08-06 [Atayemi]: New born children mean much more than that. I don't think it's easy to watch them, either. Anyways, more facts people!

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: well idnt think that you have kids either...

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: Theodore is asleep and we are now home.I am looking after him right now and he's so cute.

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: hears a fact for you: you are a mean person to people who have never done anything to you...

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: hun leave it .

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: *here's

2008-08-06 [HardRockAngel]: That was just mean x'D

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: What? The word thing? Sorry... Habit. I'm a bad, bad person. XD

2008-08-06 [HardRockAngel]: Funny too though :p

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: It is?

2008-08-06 [HardRockAngel]: Well, I thought so, yes :P
She was ranting and someone put her in her place by saying just one thing :)

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: That wasn't the intention... I just have a habit of correcting people - well, when I know there's a mistake anyway. I find it helpful when people correct me. *shrugs*

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: Oooooo

2008-08-06 [Atayemi]: I wasn't intending on being mean or anything. I was just curious like other people are. I hate it when people jump to conclusions. >__>

2008-08-06 [Morphea]: Well newborns are just as different as every person on earth.
Some sleep all day...some all night... some just cry and eat some won`t sleep at all.....When it comes to newborns....There are no rules...just personality

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: you know u are right about that....i agree....

2008-08-06 [Maelthra]: And there is no harm in doing something you want to do while the baby is sleeping. After all, that will be one of the ONLY times you have to do stuff for yourself.

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: I hear you, he woke up a cupple of minuets ago and started to bawl...wantign to be feed, not going to go into detail but he's now asleep....... its going to be fun.

2008-08-06 [Maelthra]: I love babies. Don't want one of my own right now though. I have plenty of four legged babies that need my attention. The hardest part is trying to find homes for them all when they were abandoned and no one wants them. At least they are well cared for and loved here.

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: aww puppies?

2008-08-06 [Maelthra]: A lot of kittens right now. All of the stray dogs around here run from you. But for some reason all of the kittens get dumped on my doorstep. Or the lady and the apartments I live in always tells me where I can find kittens that have been abandoned. I go and pick them up, get them cleaned up, healthy looking and fed, taken to the vet to get the first set of shots and such, when they are old enough, have them spayed or neutered and then find homes for them.

2008-08-06 [Morphea]: That is a very nice thing to do *applauds*

2008-08-06 [Mrs Vicious.]: ah okies. if it was puppies id ask for one.

2008-08-06 [Maelthra]: We also take in all other kinds of animals, not just kittens. But kittens seem do be in better supply when it comes to rescue.

2008-08-06 [x-tacy]: you are a realy thoughtfull person for doing all that... my husband is like that he has a thing for dogs and every time he sees a dog going across the road he has to get it and check if it has a owner tag on it and if not to my house it goes at one time we had like 13 pit bulls which are his favorite... as for my self i like cats...

2008-08-06 [Morphea]: I love rottweilers :D but i grew up with a cat and they have a special place in my heart

2008-08-06 [Chimes]: I wish my parents would do that. I'm not allowed a dog or a cat but I really want one.

2008-08-06 [Maelthra]: All of our resued critters eat better than we do lol. We rescue so many critters I had to get a bigger apartment. We also go up to pets mart and places like that and pick up the critters that have been dropped off there as well.

2008-08-07 [Flight of the Butterfly]: [Alistaire]'s post is almost accurate. You can actually do damage to your eardrums if you forcibly prevent a sneeze. :P

2008-08-07 [x-tacy]: ha ha thats funny

2008-08-07 [Blood Raven]: Lots of funny and interesting facts have been added. Go everybody! Yay =D
However, some of them aren't really correct, I think. Can we post comments under them or something, or do we leave them be? :P

2008-08-07 [HardRockAngel]: I think it is only for the best if they are correct, no?

2008-08-07 [Chimes]: You'd probably better message the owner.

2008-08-07 [Jeremiah]: Em your leaving me a hard decision but I think u should leave them alone after all there not really yours try messaging the owner of the comment.

2008-08-07 [manwe]: [x-tacy] you REALLY need a few courses in english and in basic composition, as well as logic, and social interaction.... for someone who is supposed to be 25 and married.... you come off as a 14 year old with an attitude and NO formal education......

sorry... that is how i see it....


2008-08-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: manwe... we all know that some times spelling is lax and heck grammer aint right but come on, its just idle chit chat that doesnt always have to pe spelt correctly to be understood, your just a bit sore your intresting fact got deleted. can you pleease stop picking at people?

2008-08-07 [manwe]: lovett....
stupidity and ignorance is an unfortunate manifestation of the problem....

if you can't say what you mean, you can NEVER mean what your say....
if you can't say it well, they why say it at all???


2008-08-07 [HardRockAngel]: [manwe], everybody makes typo's or spells something wrong. That's why we're humans: we are nowhere near perfect!
So shut your yap, quit picking on other members and just enjoy the wiki...please!
No one likes a ranter, and neither do I >_>

2008-08-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: why are you persuing this anyway? its a common mistake every one makes yet you insist on being stubborn and asswholeish. whats your probelm? you seem to pick at every little detail, calling people you dont know stupid and ignorent when you have no idea what yoru on about. sure they may not want to spell or just find it easier to spell in the short way but it doesnt meen they carnt and are not capeable of doing so.

2008-08-07 [Linderel]: Please, people! Cease with the argument. Seriously.

2008-08-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: okies.

2008-08-07 [Chimes]: *zip*

2008-08-07 [manwe]: [HardRockAngel]:
"[manwe], everybody makes typo's or spells something wrong."

or uses grammar incorrectly....
yes yes... you are FAR from perfect... and so am i....
in a written medium such as this, where some 20+ countries are attempting to communicate in one common language, where ALL we have to go on, in understanding, is an understanding of the common rules of language..... exactly HOW would YOU recommend that we standardize the written word.... by YOUR idiocy and poor skills? or, perhaps, in some internationally recognized standard of language that has some basis in support, recognition and verification????

perhaps such an intellect as yours can address this point with something more than the emotional outbursts of a 16 year old..... person.... with not much more than an attitude...

of course...

lovett: see above statement and accept that you are one of those who do not want to know better.... and move on.....
get a clue AFTER you have edited your post....



it seems to me that many of you here do not care to communicate in any meaningful way, but are mostly interested in spewing anything that lets your "presence" be known by as wide and anonymous an audience as you can.... i'm so sorry for you....

for the rest of you, who truly care about communication and meaningful interaction... well... this USED to be a nice place.... only leading by example, can we reclaim it....

"all it takes is for good people to say nothing" (a paraphrase.. but those who want to know, will understand..)

2008-08-07 [Linderel]: I do believe I asked you to quit, [manwe]. Can you not oblige?

2008-08-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Why is Manwe even here when all they seem to do is complain? (adresses every one elce) is it just me ore have you guys had anough of it too? Im ersonally going to leave it alone as ive been told to. because i like to think id rathe rbe the bigger person and walk away with freinds then alone and an ass hat.

2008-08-07 [manwe]: linderel.... i do not know of your request.... however, if it is an "official" request, from a "site authority" who has the right to command that one be censored... then fine... show me your badge and i will comply..... i fully understand the need for censorship from a community that "claims" to be open, but is not really open....


2008-08-07 [Mrs Vicious.]: Im staying out of this. its just getting rediculous. i think i might withdraw my fact just so im not watchign this page any more.

2008-08-07 [manwe]: lovett.....
look up the spelling of "rediculous" please.. and dazzle us with your ... wit.... then, edit your post...


2008-08-07 [Linderel]: I requested that everyone would stop arguing. That 'everyone' includes you, especially as your comments in particular have been needlessly rude. Even if I were not Council, I'd ask for a bit more civility.
As side notes: a. You should practice what you preach. b. I am one of the biggest nitpickers around, but do you see me insulting people on public wikis? No. Try to be a little more congenial, would ya?

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: shut up, dont have a go at me just cos im stepping out. lol id rather eat my own foot than stand another minuet of your child like tantrums just because i didnt spell rediculous right. and ass hat. that is the way you spell rediculous. UH DUH!

2008-08-08 [shadow of darkness]: I have a nice little point to make. [manwe] has not even made a contribution to this wiki, all they have done is comment. For someone who is not partaking in the collection of interesting or stupid facts, should their opinion even matter on the conversations that we are holding in this wiki as fellow contributors?

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: nope he did, he just got it deleated cos he's an ass hat.

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Oi.
Does none of you understand the meaning of 'stop'?

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: Im stopping. leaving it there end of. I have a life so Ill stop.

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Thank you.

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: Please stop. It's beginning to bug me.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: Ive stopped and your welcome, though im still wonderign wether or not to quit this wiki. though i do like my pigion comment. hehe.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Linderel] i do not know you... only glanced at your page....
i do not care what your "official" title is... however, if, in your OFFICIAL capacity, you are telling me not to post here, or in any way, to censor my honest opinions, say it clearly and publicly, and i will IMMEDIATELY desist and remove my posts. otherwise, i am exercising my (stated in the rules) right to my opinions and observations. this is supposed to be a place of artistic and intellectual exchange.... with a few notable exceptions, i see little of that, here.... and it is little wonder that some see my opinions and observations as unacceptable, however, if it is the intent here, to lower the standard to the "lcd" (lowest common denominator) of language and intellect, then perhaps it is time for the site to re-examine it's "prime directives"... still......


2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: *raises an eye brow and says nothing* ill let you guys deal with this one.

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: PLEASE, just stop. Do you think the owner of this wiki want's you to do this? Please, please, please for the sanity of the people watching this page... take it to messages.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [shadow of darkness]: you are, of course, incorrect.... however, you may not know that no less than 4 of my posts were deleted by admins..... and that is what has sparked this series of posts from me.... i was severely censored and with no reason!


2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Well... If you insist.
In my 'official capacity' I am at least asking you to try and be more civil. Quite alright to express your opinions, but you should try to be a bit less hostile in doing so. The most important rule of Elftown, after all, is 'Don't be an asshole'.
And that's the end of this. Alright? Any further comments the least bit rude, from anyone, I will delete.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: Im with Linderell.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Ok, I've had enough of this. Let me just say this once and for all.


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